Improving the lives of people with

Primary Immune Deficiency

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Improving the lives of people with Primary Immune Deficiency, and their carers through advocacy and support

AusPIPS Inc. is a fully tax endorsed health promotion charity, which is registered with the Australian Charity and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).

Our purpose is to advocate and support people with Primary Immune Deficiency and associated chronic illnesses, in Australia.

Supported by an unconditional educational grant from CSL Behring (Australia) Pty Ltd.

What people say:

As a parent of a child living with a rare disease it’s challenging to find help and support. It also took a long time to get a formal diagnosis and a treatment regime which worked for PID. Organisations like AusPIPS can help to make a difference in pointing people in the right direction and working to advocate for change. Without support from charities and other patients that had been down the road before us, I would have been lost.
Anon - NSW
There have been a number of occasions since I was diagnosed with CVID, that I've felt very vulnerable and disempowered, mainly when in hospital, and especially when things have gone wrong. Previously I have tried to follow up through available formal complaint processes but without any success and somewhat to my detriment. Finally having an organisation such as AusPIPS, that can advocate and speak up on my behalf, gives me much excitement and less fear for the future.
Anon - VIC